
How to achieve a 56% newsletter open rate in the fashion segment


2023 – 2024




Email marketing

Shapen is a Slovak manufacturer of barefoot shoes. Thanks to their pleasant communication and a quality product, they’ve quickly won over customers across the Czech, Slovak and European markets.

They had been looking for new approaches and channels to accelerate their growth. We recommended they utilise an emailing strategy. These days, every second subscriber opens their newsletters and every tenth abandoned cart is converted into a purchase thanks to retention. How did we manage to achieve this?

Initial situation

The Shapen brand had good sales, growth and satisfied customers in both Slovakia and the Czech Republic. However, the owners encountered a challenge that most successful online stores are familiar with – a small market.

The brand and sales were no longer growing at such a rate as before. In addition, barefoot shoes are not a typical fashion segment, which means that Shapen’s target group is smaller.

If Shapen wanted to continue growing, they had to expand or entice current customers to make repeat purchases.

A question worth €370,000

Right from the beginning, we knew that we were dealing with a quality product and clever owners. That’s why we asked them one of the most important questions:

What do you do with individuals who reached your website through paid advertising?

The answer was that there was no special process. If they had an email address for a customer, they sometimes sent them a manual campaign, the rest they chased with remarketing. We immediately saw room for growth and improvement. Shapen needed an emailing strategy.

And why was this a question worth 370,000? Because changing the approach to emailing brought exactly that much revenue in one year. How did Shapen do it?

PPC advertising is not enough

The arrival of a visitor to the website does not happen for free. Online store owners pay for this, whether it be to Google, Meta, SEO specialists or through their own time. If the customer does not buy and leaves, in the worst case scenario, they will have rejected the cookies and as a result, the customer is lost.

Shapen had the same problem – it didn’t fully utilise it’s web visitors.

We proposed a solution

Start reaching out to existing and potential customers via email. If you have a great product and pleasant customer service, why wouldn’t they buy from you for a second or third time. Let’s set up automatic emailing and actively collect customer contacts even before they make a purchase.

We emphasised to the owners that as a manufacturer, they have an advantage when emailing. Thanks to a higher margin, they can afford to run more appealing discounts and promotions.

Implementation and setting up of emailing campaigns

We split the launch of Shapen’s emailing campaign into three steps:

  • setup of the welcome process and collection of emails directly through the online store webpage,
  • choosing a suitable mailing tool,
  • creation and deployment of a basic package of automated campaigns.

The welcome process turns anonymous people into real visitors

In the first step, based on web analysis and experience from other online stores, we proposed the layout of the so-called touch-points. These are the places where we show the visitor an invitation to subscribe to the newsletter.

In the case of Shapen these were, for example:

  • a pop-up banner on the main page,
  • a hockey card among products,
  • or a call to action in the basket.

A sample pop-up banner. Offer something in return for submitting an email address. Shapen gave visitors a €5 discount on their first purchase.

Collecting email addresses during the welcome process was extremely important. Thanks to this, we were able to assign an anonymous visitor an email address and we could see if they had already made their first purchase.

Shapen discount

An invitation to subscribe to the Shapen newsletter among products – hockey card.

Of course, customers don’t give away their email addresses for free. The online store has to slice into their margin and pay something for the contact. Shapen offered customers a €5 discount for the first purchase upon registration. It worked wonderfully.

"When setting up the welcome process, we found a great compromise between efficiency and a reasonable level of disturbance. If we want to impress, let's disturb. If we don't want to upset customers, let's not overdo it."

Filip Lehotský
Creative Director

Choosing an emailing tool

When looking for the ideal solution for Shapen, the price and quality of the emailing tool’s customer support were crucial. In the end, we chose the Czech Ecomail.

We have extensive experience with it and use it to manage email campaigns for several clients. As a result, Ecomail’s customer support helps us even with more complicated matters.

Structure of automatic campaigns

After this, we pulled together a package of automated campaigns including new creatives, texts and graphics. For example, we included:

  • the welcome process (welcoming a new newsletter subscriber),
  • an abandoned cart,
  • the reactivation of inactive subscribers,
  • communication with VIP customers (those who buy more often or for higher amounts),
  • a ‘thank you’ for a purchase,
  • birthday greetings, and so on.

Automatic campaigns always go out based on a particular condition, i.e. automatically. They arrive by email at an appropriate time and date (a person’s ‘names day’, a purchase anniversary, an abandoned cart).

Based on the language version from which the customer originated, we send campaigns in Czech, Slovak and English (to Europe and America).

We chose pleasant, human and personal communication. We work with discounts, but very carefully. We send VIP clients an email directly from the founder of Shapen.

Emails are not just for sales. We are interested in whether customers are satisfied with their purchase and we advise them on how to take care of their footwear and health.

Simple? Appearances can be deceiving

  • Successful emailing is dependant on quality. Sending newsletters is sensitive work involving the psychology of purchasing, the product and the brand. That is why we conditioned the machines so that the customer does not receive them too often. For example, we do not send an abandoned visit and an abandoned cart at the same time.
  • We use multi-round campaigns, which follow a logical order. For example, the post-purchase thank you is three-round (three consecutive campaigns leaving on the condition that the customer has not made a purchase in the meantime).
  • Smart solution for discount codes: We generate codes based on the number of automated emails several months in advance. Each customer thus receives a unique code by email and cannot misuse it for multiple purchases.
  • ‘Thank you’ for a purchase: We did not rely only on transaction emails (order information from the CMS system) about the delivery and dispatch of the order. We also contacted customers after their purchase. We gave them advice on how to exercise or take care of their new shoes or rewarded them with a discount on another pair of barefoot shoes for loved ones (referral model).


The numbers that Shapen achieved with emailing surprised us all. Once again, the old well-known rule was confirmed: Do things properly, with love, and the results will come.

Every second customer opens their email

Customers trust the Shapen brand and, combined with the appropriate tone of communication and properly set up email campaigns, they generated a 50.6% average open rate.

This means that every other customer opens the campaigns. The usual average for other online stores is roughly 20 to 25% for automatic and 15% for manual campaigns.

We converted 11% of abandoned carts into purchases

The total click rate (click-throughs from email campaigns) is 9.7%, which is again almost twice the normal average.

Together, the campaigns generated sales of almost €370,000. We managed to convert 11% of abandoned carts into purchases.

A romantic co-existence of manual and automatic campaigns

We only run manual campaigns when there really is something to write about, because they are less effective than automatic campaigns. On the other hand, they do excite customers.

It turns out that automated campaigns leave twice as often when we send manual campaigns. If we sent interesting manual campaigns, they triggered newsletter subscribers to click, view the offer and add products to the cart. As a result, the number of automated emails also grew, and the whole strategy fit together perfectly.

Revenue from automated vs manual newsletters

Automatic campaigns are more effective because they bring more sales even with fewer emails sent. In the case of Shapen, automatic newsletters bring 63.3% of emailing revenue, while they make up only a third of sent e-mails .

Comparison of revenue from manual and automatic emailing.

Valuable email database

The result is not only sales, but also an email database that Shapen can use at any time. The client only needs to pay for Ecomail, the price of which depends on the number of contacts. If you choose to send campaigns more often, the price remains the same, which is a huge advantage compared to PPC campaigns.

The project in numbers



Open rate

The year-on-year average open rate is twice the market average.


In sales

That’s how much emailing earned in the 12 months of our collaboration.



We have successfully converted more than every tenth abandoned cart into a purchase.

The specialists behind this project

Matej Aštary

At Dexfinity, Matej covers retention marketing and innovation of digital products, including AI-generated creatives and in-house export tools.

Filip Lehotský

Creative Director

Zuzana Ivanová

Automation Specialist

Matúš Vajdiar

Matúš Vajdiar

Data Analyst


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Michal Lichner

Michal Lichner
Global BizDev, Sales, Marketing Consultant
+421 911 585 689

Eva Čechovská

Eva Cechovska
Sales & Export Consultant
+421 918 341 781


Pavol Adamcak
International Marketing Strategy Consultant, Founder
+421 918 435 105

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