
How we managed to increase our client’s
year-on-year turnover by 339%






Google Ads



FITshop is a Slovak retailer of fitness supplies, sports testers, sports equipment and nutrition. It has been on the market for 13 years and since then it has managed to consolidate its position on the market as an expert in its segment.

Over 300% year-on-year increases in sales

While maintaining and improving our overall Revenue ROI

Our Google Ads Campaigns

Reduce Cost, Increase Turnover

We have been managing Google Ads campaigns for our client since September 2018. Our results are seen in effective cost management – it hasn’t increased even during the corona crisis. Moreover, we have not only maintained the cost share of turnover but also reduced it while increasing year-on-year turnover by multiple times.

Starting Point

At the beginning of our cooperation, the goal was to get below a certain level of Google Ads campaign cost. With progressive steps and using our in-house know-how, we found a balance in the campaigns and achieved this goal.

The challenge came at the beginning of the corona crisis. We had to react to changes in the product range with enormous flexibility. As goods in the client’s segment were selling out at the speed of light, they had to work on an excellent supplier-customer relationship.

Google Smart Shopping

To manage this situation, we thoroughly prepared our Google Ads campaigns. There are times when there is no need to devise a complex system for structuring campaigns. It’s enough to have perfectly fine-tuned settings as well as mandatory and optional attributes in Shopping campaigns.

We often struggle with imperfect feeds or mandatory attributes that are missing in them. Our expertise and experience helped us eliminate these shortcomings by using rules and regular expressions, either directly in the Merchant Center or by using the Mergado tool.

An efficient analysis is a foundation for success.

An efficient analysis is a foundation for success.

Rejected Products Reduction

Our changes helped reduce the number of rejected products to the final 1%, which is only 25 products. In total, we used over 50 rules to help the Smart Shopping campaign achieve the best possible results using the target ROAS strategy.

We complement the Shopping campaign with search network campaigns, which, although losing their dominance since last year, can deliver the desired results with the right budget and bidding strategy.

Even though the Smart Shopping campaign also covers dynamic remarketing, we have decided to keep a separate display campaign for dynamic remarketing on, so that we have more control over who we remarket to in the content network.

Investment Based on Supplier Stock

The portfolio changed dynamically, so we adjusted the ads based on the current inventory, and we approached the bidding strategies the same way. We had already sorted the inventory at the supplier level, so we knew which ads to invest in and which ones not to run at all. 

This led to record ecommerce sales for several months in a row (see chart 1). Unlike other similar eshops, we maintained our reputation by delivering the ordered goods.

A year-on-year comparison

A year-on-year comparison of the period from February 1 to July 31 – i.e., comparison of the same season before and during the corona crisis.

Comparison of the periods before the coronary crisis

Comparison of the periods before the coronary crisis (Christmas season) and during the coronary crisis.

During this period, we saw a 339% increase in turnover and a 329% increase in credit. Our credit efficiency improved by 2%.

Our good and open relationship with the client made it helpful and easier to explain things like higher credit costs that they hadn’t counted on. We also communicated extensively about stock levels. As a result, we didn’t end up “burning” credit on products that the eshop couldn’t deliver to the customer on time.

Project in numbers


+339 %

Year-On-Year Revenue

From February 2020 to July 2020, we achieved over 300% year-on-year increases in sales while maintaining and improving our overall Revenue ROI (cost to sales ratio).

Responsible Project Supervisor

Miroslav Sajban

Miroslav Šajban

Miroslav works at Dexfinity as a PPC Specialist and a Team Leader. He is involved in the career development of our colleagues and is also in charge of several projects such as Reebelo, Inlea, Autoobchod, TheRake and FITshop. Miroslav works with the team to educate clients and help determine paths to take.

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